Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some Days Will Be Hard

I knew that some days would be harder than others when I started this. Today was one of those days. I woke up feeling good, but when I weighed myself I was up a little bit from yesterday (which is why I hate numbers. I felt good and I know that today's number was more realistic, but it still made me feel bad. Boo). Then I sat down with my mom and my sister and we planned out the week's menu, which was difficult because we've never used these recipes before. We also have to try to keep my dad and brother happy, but neither of them are on the plan my sister and I are on (my mom is sort of following our plan right now). That made it even harder.

Then we went to the grocery store. That was awful. I had grabbed an apple for breakfast with the intention of making myself some eggs for protein, but I got caught up in meal planning and the eggs were forgotten. I was so hungry by the time we got to the store. I just wanted a biscuit or bread or something with carbs. The cravings for carbs will go away, I hope. Until then I need to eat before shopping and avoid the bakery!

Today was sample day, so they were cooking sausage. Man I wanted that sausage - it smelled really good and we walked past it like 7 times. it was tempting, but I didn't have any. Instead, I had some pumpkin seeds on the way home.

Once we got home I had my fail smoothie and painted some flower boxes. My run today wasn't awesome either, but I got out there and did it.

This evening was better. Dinner (our first planned meal using the new recipes) was fantastic. We watched the Big Bang Theory as a family. My sister figured out a way to make Greek yogurt palatable (add coco powder, a packet of stevia, and some vanilla. It kind of tastes like cheesecake). 

Overall, it wasn't that bad of a day but it was the hardest thus far. I need to remember to grocery shop on a full stomach - that would have helped solve a lot of my problems today! 

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